This is about an important station of many beautiful hiking tracks. However, to start our hike towards the Outlook on the highest point of Visegrád we do not need hiking boots – it can be reached also from the city, but we are able to look around with clear skies from the Mátra to the Zsámbék-cove, which means about a 100 km distance. Though the Zsitvay-outlook, built in 1933 on the peak of Nagy-Villám, is “only” 378 metres high…
The outlook was raised for the 20th anniversary of the existence of the Hungarian Tourist Association, and they tried to dedicate its style to the memories of the historical past of Visegrád, this is why the shape of the building is so fortress-like.
On the top, on the main level of the outlook various images help the navigation that have been placed in a circle shape according to the panorama.
The building that was named after Tibor Zsitvay has been declared as a historical monument in 2005.
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